Tuesday, June 12, 2012

I went for a walk this morning...

I went for a walk in my neighbourhood this morning.

Here is my playlist:

1 )Keep it hid – Dan Aurbach
2) Rebel Yell – Billy Idol
3) Sexy and I know It – LMAFO
4) The Edge of Glory – Lady Gaga
5) The Wicked Messenger – The Black Keys
6) Miss World – Hole
7) Under the Lighthouse – Big Wreak
8) I fought the Law – The Clash
9) Highway 61 Revisited – Karen O and the Million Dollar Bashers
10) Man In the Long Black Coat – Mark Lanegan
11) Bull In the Heather – Sonic Youth
12) Screaming Skull – Sonic Youth
13) Like Suicide – Soundgarden

What I saw on my walk... I wonder what the meaning of this street name?

What I saw on my walk...

 Dirty Seine River that flows through my neighbourhood..

Some kids expressing their teenage angst...

Seine River - North Fermor Avenue

Someones garden. I wonder if the car pollution on Fermor harms the crops for consumption?

Walkway to Egerton Rd.


  It was a lovely walk with an awesome playlist!


I hate stress

This past week, stress has been my enemy. Stress is harmful for my well-being.  I admit, I have a chaotic life; I work very hard at my 8:30 – 4:30 career, our organization is at a critical stage with major deliverables and deadlines, and the stress I experience has resulted in a doctor-ordered two-week break.  As I was getting ready for work this morning, it was not the usual, Monday morning blues I usually experience after a nice weekend with Michael.  It was a panic, fear and anxiety-ridden morning with tears and an internal pain in my stomach. Those feelings have been surfacing a lot more these days, and I knew if I made it into the office; I may have had complete meltdown in front of my colleagues and boss, which would have been humiliating.  So now I am at home making a plan to rebalance, recharge and revaluate my well-being goals.  I am not a religious person per se, but I often think about this prayer or mantra that my Grandma had hanging on her wall back home in Norway House. It goes like this...

God, grant me the
to accept the things
I cannot change ~
to change the
things I can;
to know the difference.
Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardship as the
pathway to peace.
Taking this
sinful world as it is,
not as I would have it.
Trusting that He will make
all things right if I
surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy
in this life, and supremely
happy forever in
the next.

By Reinhold Neibuhr
Although I do not subscribe to the Christian faith, this prayer reminds me of a time when life was easier, it reminds me that I am only one person and I cannot hold the weight of the world on my shoulders. 

Pisew Falls - Near Thompson Manitoba. Within Pimicikamak time-honoured territory. 

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Sunday ramdon thoughts... goals and aspirations

I recently deactivated my Facebook (FB) account. I thought of permanently deleting FB permanently but I could not fathom losing all my ‘friends’, in other words family, friends and people who I met one time or another. Recently more than ever I found myself ‘lurking’ on FB, gazing at other people’s memories, reading rants and complaints and feeling disconnected with the people who matter the most. One reason why I love(d) FB was that I had many contacts that gave me the ‘low-down’ on issues that matter to me and my community that often is not reflected in mainstream media such as the blatant disregard for Indigenous peoples and their rights and freedoms to live freely in their territories, under their own laws, custom and governance – all in the name of ‘progress’ and ‘development’.

I was inspired to blog to help me document my weight-loss goals and strive to live mino-pimatisiwin (Inninuw concept of ‘living the good life’ or living in balance), which I have not blogged about and which I should in the near future. Thus far on this blogging journey, I have lost 56 lbs since November 2009. I have drastically changed my eating habits and I feel a lot lighter! (I still hover around 227-231) and this has been the case for about a year. I am not too concerned at this moment in time. I know I have lost weight per se by the size of my clothes. I am swimming in 1x size clothes, I can finally fit into some XL at Ricki’s and XXL at Reitman’s hug my curves in a good way ;P. It is exciting to finally fit into ‘regular people’ clothes and options on wardrobe are increasing almost every day.

This summer I have a goal not to reactivate FB. I want to limit my personal internet time to less than 90 minutes a day. Often when I get up in the morning, I make my coffee, catch up on FB, read blogs, the mainstream news, and check the weather. That takes about 20-30 minutes. Then I travel to work. If I can block off 45-60 minutes in the evening to blog, read blogs or research/surf would be an awesome step forward in the sense that I can organize my personal time to achieve aspired goals.

I want to spend this summer outside as much as possible, I want to read both fiction and more scholarly pieces, and finally I yearn to go on vacation with my partner, who has recently graduated from the University of Manitoba with a Bachelor of Education. Vacation requires money and thrifty living is essential for the next 8 weeks and frugal living is a priority.

Summer of 2012 will be a good one.

Me, 2011 - I really need to start using my camera more

Have a good night!